Contrabass Chimes – 7 aluminum Chimes, 2 mallet poles, 4 mallets, steel posts – In-ground

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Contrabass Chimes – (Contra-base) Chimes Stunning in both their towering appearance and low resonant tones, the Contrabass Chimes provide an outdoor music experience through powerful sounds that are both heard and felt.There are seven chimes available, ranging from seven to nine feet tall.  Each is made of heavy-duty, anodized aluminum. They are pitched one octave below middle C to create a deep note that resonates like a gong.  We find these instruments are best as an ensemble installed in a horseshoe shape to allow a surround-sound effect.   Contrabass Chimes are also sold individually. Each instrument is supplied with four durable mallets attached with coated steel cables.
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